twindb_backup.copy package


twindb_backup.copy.base_copy module

Base class for a backup copy

class twindb_backup.copy.base_copy.BaseCopy(host, name)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for a backup copy in status

  • host (str) – Hostname where the backup was taken from.

  • name (str) – Base name of the backup copy file as it’s stored on the destination.

property key

It’s a relative path backup copy. It’s relative to the remote path as from the twindb config. It’s also a key in status, hence the name.


Path to file

Return type



UnknownSourceType – If source type is not defined

twindb_backup.copy.binlog_copy module

Class to describe Binlog backup copy

class twindb_backup.copy.binlog_copy.BinlogCopy(host, name, created_at)[source]

Bases: twindb_backup.copy.base_copy.BaseCopy

Instantiate a Binlog copy in status

  • host (str) – Hostname where the backup was taken from.

  • name (str) – Base name of the backup copy file as it’s stored on the destination.

  • created_at (int) – Time when copy created

property created_at

Time of created copy

property name

Binlog copy name as in SHOW BINARY LOGS.

twindb_backup.copy.exceptions module

Module for Backup copy exception classes.

exception twindb_backup.copy.exceptions.BackupCopyError[source]

Bases: twindb_backup.exceptions.TwinDBBackupError

General backup copy error

exception twindb_backup.copy.exceptions.UnknownSourceType[source]

Bases: twindb_backup.copy.exceptions.BackupCopyError

Raises when source type is not set

exception twindb_backup.copy.exceptions.WrongInputData[source]

Bases: twindb_backup.copy.exceptions.BackupCopyError

Raises when incorrent inputs are used

twindb_backup.copy.file_copy module

This module describes class to work with backup copies of the file type.

class twindb_backup.copy.file_copy.FileCopy(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: twindb_backup.copy.periodic_copy.PeriodicCopy

Backup copy of a file or directory.

  • host (str) – hostname where the backup was taken from.

  • name (str) – backup copy basename

  • run_type (str) – run type. daily, hourly, etc.

twindb_backup.copy.mysql_copy module

Class to describe MySQL backup copy

class twindb_backup.copy.mysql_copy.MySQLCopy(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: twindb_backup.copy.periodic_copy.PeriodicCopy

Instantiate a MySQL copy.

  • host (str) – Hostname where the backup was taken from.

  • run_type (str) – Run type when the backup was taken: daily, weekly, etc.

  • name (str) – Base name of the backup copy file as it’s stored on the destination.


WrongInputData – if type is neither full or incremental, if name is not a basename.


Return representation of the class instance for output purposes.

property backup_finished

Timestamp when the backup job finished.

property backup_started

Timestamp when the backup job started.

property binlog

File name of the binlog.

property config

Dictionary of configs and their content.

property created_at

Timestamp when the backup job started.

property duration

Time in seconds it took to take the backup.

property galera

True if the backup was taken from Galera.

property lsn

LSN of the backup.

property parent

For incremental backup it is a base full copy name.

property position

Binlog position of the backup copy.


Prepare the status for storing as a string.

property server_vendor
property sort_key
property type

Full or incremental.

property wsrep_provider_version

If it was Galera, value of wsrep_provider_version

property xbstream_binary
property xtrabackup_binary

twindb_backup.copy.periodic_copy module

Interval class for a backup copy

class twindb_backup.copy.periodic_copy.PeriodicCopy(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: twindb_backup.copy.base_copy.BaseCopy

Interval class for a periodic backup copy in status

  • host (str) – Hostname where the backup was taken from.

  • run_type (str) – Run type when the backup was taken: daily, weekly, etc.

  • name (str) – Base name of the backup copy file as it’s stored on the destination.

property host

Host where the backup was taken

property name

Name of the backup. It’s basename w/o directory part.

property run_type

What run type was when the backup copy was taken.

Module contents