Source code for twindb_backup.copy.periodic_copy

"""Interval class for a backup copy"""
from twindb_backup import INTERVALS
from twindb_backup.copy.base_copy import BaseCopy
from twindb_backup.copy.exceptions import WrongInputData

[docs]class PeriodicCopy(BaseCopy): """Interval class for a periodic backup copy in status :param host: Hostname where the backup was taken from. :type host: str :param run_type: Run type when the backup was taken: daily, weekly, etc. :type run_type: str :param name: Base name of the backup copy file as it's stored on the destination. :type name: str """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): path = kwargs.get("path", None) if path is None: host = kwargs.get("host", args[0]) run_type = kwargs.get("run_type", args[1]) name = kwargs.get("name", args[2]) else: chunks = path.split("/") run_type = None for rtype in INTERVALS: if rtype in chunks: run_type = rtype break try: host = chunks[chunks.index(run_type) - 1] name = chunks[-1] except ValueError: raise WrongInputData('Can not instantiate copy from path "%s".' % path) super(PeriodicCopy, self).__init__(host, name) if run_type in INTERVALS: self._run_type = run_type else: raise WrongInputData("Wrong value of run_type: %s. Must be one of %s." % (run_type, ", ".join(INTERVALS))) @property def host(self): """Host where the backup was taken""" return self._host @property def name(self): """Name of the backup. It's basename w/o directory part.""" return self._name @property def run_type(self): """What run type was when the backup copy was taken.""" return self._run_type @property def _extra_path(self): return self.run_type