Source code for twindb_backup.copy.mysql_copy

"""Class to describe MySQL backup copy"""
import json

from twindb_backup.copy.exceptions import WrongInputData
from twindb_backup.copy.periodic_copy import PeriodicCopy
from twindb_backup.source.mysql_source import MySQLFlavor

[docs]class MySQLCopy(PeriodicCopy): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """ Instantiate a MySQL copy. :param host: Hostname where the backup was taken from. :type host: str :param run_type: Run type when the backup was taken: daily, weekly, etc. :type run_type: str :param name: Base name of the backup copy file as it's stored on the destination. :type name: str :raise WrongInputData: if type is neither full or incremental, if name is not a basename. """ __attr = [ "host", "run_type", "name", "binlog", "position", "lsn", "parent", "galera", "wsrep_provider_version", "config", "backup_started", "backup_finished", "type", "server_vendor", ] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MySQLCopy, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._source_type = "mysql" if "type" in kwargs and kwargs.get("type") in ["full", "incremental"]: self._type = kwargs.get("type") else: self._type = None if "/" in raise WrongInputData("name must be relative, without any slashes." " Got %s instead." % self._backup_started = int(kwargs.get("backup_started", 0)) or None self._backup_finished = int(kwargs.get("backup_finished", 0)) or None self._binlog = kwargs.get("binlog", None) self._position = kwargs.get("position", None) self._lsn = kwargs.get("lsn", None) self._parent = kwargs.get("parent", None) self._server_vendor = MySQLFlavor(kwargs.get("server_vendor", MySQLFlavor.ORACLE)) if "wsrep_provider_version" in kwargs: self._wsrep_provider_version = kwargs.get("wsrep_provider_version") self._galera = self._wsrep_provider_version is not None else: self._galera = False self._wsrep_provider_version = None if "config" in kwargs and "config_files" in kwargs: raise WrongInputData("Either config or config_files can be used " "to initialize config attribute") if "config_files" in kwargs: self._config = {} config_files = kwargs.get("config_files", []) for config_file in config_files: with open(config_file, "r") as config_descr: self._config[config_file] = else: self._config = kwargs.get("config", {}) def __eq__(self, other): comparison = () for attr in self.__attr: comparison += (getattr(self, attr) == getattr(other, attr),) return all(comparison) def __le__(self, other): return self.lsn <= other.lsn def __lt__(self, other): return self.lsn < other.lsn def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): return "%s(%s) = %s" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.key, json.dumps(self.as_dict(), sort_keys=True, indent=4), ) @property def created_at(self): """Timestamp when the backup job started.""" return self._backup_started @property def backup_started(self): """Timestamp when the backup job started.""" return self._backup_started @property def backup_finished(self): """Timestamp when the backup job finished.""" return self._backup_finished @property def duration(self): """Time in seconds it took to take the backup.""" return self._backup_finished - self._backup_started @property def binlog(self): """File name of the binlog.""" return self._binlog @property def position(self): """Binlog position of the backup copy.""" return self._position @property def type(self): """Full or incremental.""" return self._type @property def parent(self): """For incremental backup it is a base full copy name.""" return self._parent @property def lsn(self): """LSN of the backup.""" return self._lsn @property def config(self): """Dictionary of configs and their content.""" return self._config @property def galera(self): """True if the backup was taken from Galera.""" return self._galera @property def server_vendor(self): return self._server_vendor @property def sort_key(self): return self.created_at or 0 @property def xbstream_binary(self): return MBSTREAM_BINARY if self.server_vendor is MySQLFlavor.MARIADB else XBSTREAM_BINARY @property def xtrabackup_binary(self): return MARIABACKUP_BINARY if self.server_vendor is MySQLFlavor.MARIADB else XTRABACKUP_BINARY @property def wsrep_provider_version(self): """If it was Galera, value of wsrep_provider_version""" return self._wsrep_provider_version
[docs] def as_dict(self): """Return representation of the class instance for output purposes.""" result = {} for attr in self.__attr: result[attr] = getattr(self, attr) return result
[docs] def serialize(self): """Prepare the status for storing as a string.""" return json.dumps(self.as_dict())