Source code for twindb_backup.destination.gcs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module for GCS destination.
import os
import re
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Process
from os import path as osp

from google.api_core.exceptions import GoogleAPIError, NotFound
from google.auth.exceptions import GoogleAuthError
from import Client

from twindb_backup import LOG
from twindb_backup.destination.base_destination import BaseDestination
from twindb_backup.destination.exceptions import FileNotFound, GCSDestinationError

DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 250 * 1024 * 1024
_CHUNK_PART_REGEXP = r"/part-[0-9]{16}$"

[docs]class GCS(BaseDestination): """ GCS destination class. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments. * **bucket** - (required) GCS bucket name. * **gc_credentials_file** - (required) GC credentials json filepath. * **chunk_size** - when storing a stream use this a a chunk size. The stream will be stored a set of chunks of this size on the GS. """ # def save(self, handler, filepath): # pass def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._bucket = kwargs.get("bucket") super(GCS, self).__init__(self.bucket) if "gc_credentials_file" in kwargs: os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = kwargs.get("gc_credentials_file") else: raise GCSDestinationError( "gc_credentials_file keyword argument must be defined " "when initializing %s class" % self.__class__.__name__ ) self._chunk_size = kwargs.get("chunk_size", DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE) self.__bucket_obj = None @property def bucket(self): """GCS bucket name.""" return self._bucket
[docs] def create_bucket(self): """Creates the bucket in gcs that will store the backups. :raises GCSDestinationError: if failed to create the bucket. :raises GCSDestinationError: If authentication error. """ try: self._gcs_client.create_bucket(bucket_name=self.bucket) except (GoogleAPIError, GoogleAuthError) as err: raise GCSDestinationError(err)"Created bucket %s", self.bucket)
[docs] def delete(self, path): blobs = self._list_blob_or_chunks(path) if not blobs: raise FileNotFound("File %s does not exist." % path) for blob in blobs: blob.delete()
[docs] def delete_bucket(self, force=False): """Delete the bucket in gcs that was storing the backups. :param force: If the bucket is non-empty then delete the objects before deleting the bucket. :type force: bool :raise GCSDestinationError: if failed to delete the bucket. """ try: self._bucket_obj.delete(force=force) except (GoogleAPIError, GoogleAuthError) as err: raise GCSDestinationError(err)"Deleted bucket %s", self.bucket)
[docs] @contextmanager def get_stream(self, copy): pipe_in, pipe_out = os.pipe() proc = Process(target=self._download_to_pipe, args=(copy.key, pipe_in, pipe_out)) proc.start() os.close(pipe_out) pipe_in = os.fdopen(pipe_in) yield pipe_in proc.join()
[docs] def read(self, filepath): """ Read content from a file. :param filepath: relative path to a file with status. :type filepath: str :return: Content of the file. :rtype: str :raises FileNotFound: if filepath doesn't exist on the destination. """ obj = self._bucket_obj.blob(filepath) try: return obj.download_as_string() except NotFound as err: raise FileNotFound(err)
[docs] def write(self, content, filepath): """ Write a string passed in ``content`` to a filepath on the destination. :param content: String to write. :type content: str :param filepath: Relative file path on the destination. :type filepath: str """ obj = self._bucket_obj.blob(filepath) obj.upload_from_string(content)
[docs] def save(self, handler, filepath): """ Read from handler and save it to GCS :param handler: stdout handler from backup source :type handler: file :param filepath: save backup copy in a file with this name :type filepath: str """ with handler as f_src: chunk_no = 0 for chunk in iter(partial(, self._chunk_size), b""): self.write(chunk, osp.join(filepath, "part-%016d" % chunk_no)) chunk_no += 1
@property def _bucket_obj(self): if self.__bucket_obj is None: self.__bucket_obj = self._gcs_client.get_bucket(self.bucket) return self.__bucket_obj @_bucket_obj.setter def _bucket_obj(self, value): self.__bucket_obj = value @property def _gcs_client(self): """Creates an authenticated gcs client. :return: GCS client instance. :rtype: """ return Client() def _download_to_pipe(self, path, pipe_in, pipe_out): os.close(pipe_in) pipe_out = os.fdopen(pipe_out, "w") for blob in self._list_blob_or_chunks(path): blob.download_to_file(pipe_out) def _list_blob_or_chunks(self, path): """ Method queries GS and returns a list of GS blobs that match path. If a file is not chunked the method will return one blob in a list. If the file is chunked the method will return a list of blobs, each of them is a chunk blob. For example, if the path is 'master1/status'. This file is not chunked, so the method will return ``[Blob('master1/status')]``. However, if the path is 'master1/daily/mysql/mysql-2019-04-04_05_29_05.xbstream.gz' the method will return each chunk as a blob. So, the return value will be something like:: [ Blob( master1/daily/mysql/mysql-2019-04-04_05_29_05.xbstream.gz/part..0 ), Blob( master1/daily/mysql/mysql-2019-04-04_05_29_05.xbstream.gz/part..1 ) , ... ] :param path: path to a file in GS :return: list of blobs that store this file, either the file itself or its chunks. :rtype: list(Blob) """ result = [] blobs = self._bucket_obj.list_blobs(prefix=path) for blob in blobs: if == path or re.match(path + _CHUNK_PART_REGEXP, result.append(blob) return result def _list_files(self, prefix=None, recursive=False, files_only=False): """ Get list of objects on Google Storage. It will remove the "/part-" part from the names returning one file if it was split in chunks. :param prefix: A prefix inside te GS bucket. For example, if full object path is ``gs://some-bucket/foo/bar/file.txt`` then the path can be ``foo/`` or ``foo/bar``. Either path will return ``gs://some-bucket/foo/bar/file.txt``. :param recursive: Not used. :param files_only: Not used. :return: list of object names prefixed with ``gs://``. :rtype: set(str) """ if prefix: prefix = prefix.lstrip("gs://").lstrip(self.bucket).lstrip("/") return set( [ osp.join( "gs://", self.bucket, re.sub(_CHUNK_PART_REGEXP, "",, ) for blob in self._bucket_obj.list_blobs(prefix=prefix or None) ] )